Open Arms Community Church

2763 Dunn Avenue Jacksonville, Florida 32218

(904) 766-5797

Bishop Leofric W. Thomas, Sr.

Bishop Thomas has guided the Open Arms Church for the past twenty five years, growing to become a vibrant ministry in the community, city, state, and nation. Starting with 33 persons, Open Arms has grown to well over 2000 members being developed as disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. He has led the congregation in purchasing property and erecting their 1,000 seat worship facility which they occupied in December 2009.

First Lady Sandy L. Thomas

Sandy Thomas serves in many capacities at Open Arms including leader of the WINGS(Women in God’s Service) Ministry, mentor and leader of the Young Ladies Ministry, teacher of our new members (New Life classes), Camp Open Arms Summer Camp administrator, wedding Ministry Coordinator, serves in the Inspirational Choir, and any other capacity where there is a need.

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Prayer Request

Philippians 4:6

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”

Stay Connected

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Service Times


10:15 AM –

Sunday Worship Encounter 

Facebook @OACFJAX YouTube @OACC Official

Children’s Church and Nursery 

Every 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Sundays



7:00 AM Morning Prayer Calls

(712) 775-7031 Access Code 869990#


7:30 PM Wednesday’s Midweek Bible Study

Facebook @OACFJAX YouTube @OACC Official

Our Ministries


Congregational Ministries


Care Ministries


Communication Ministries


Cultivating Ministries


Cultivating Ministries II