Midday Meditation

Join us for Midday Meditation live via Facebook, YouTube, or www.OACFchurchweb.com

Trunk or Treat!

Join us for Harvest Fest: Food, Fun, Bounce Houses, Face Painting, Prizes & Games!

23rd Pastoral Appreciation & Worship Encounter

Join us tonight, in-person or live via Facebook @OACFJAX, YouTube @OpenArmsLiveStream, or www.OACFchurchweb.com, as we celebrate our Honorees: Bishop Leofric & Lady Sandy Thomas! We look forward to seeing you […]

23rd Pastoral Appreciation & Worship Encounter

We look forward to seeing you as Bishop Sheldon McCarter, Greater Church, Winston Salem, NC, brings today's Worship Encounter as we celebrate our Honorees: Bishop Leofric & Lady Sandy Thomas! […]

Postponed Searchers & Seekers: Life Group

The Searchers and Seekers will not be meeting the 6th or on the 20th. Searchers & Seekers (23-41) Call-in: (978) 990-5458 Access Code: 628561