American Heart Month
Did you know that February is American Heart Month? Time to focus on cardiovascular health.
Did you know that February is American Heart Month? Time to focus on cardiovascular health.
9:00 AM -Every 2nd & 3rd Sundays Nursery (ages 2-6) Children's Church (ages 7-13) Zoom #: 895-3247-1263
(23 & up) Call-in: (701) 802-5437 Access Code: 792893 Zoom: 891-131-4913 Passcode: 272742
Pacesetters 65+ Call-in: (917) 900-1022 Access Code: 2350971
(23 & up) Call-in: (701) 802-5437 Access Code: 792893 Zoom: 891-131-4913 Passcode: 272742
Join us for a 5K Walk/Run for Education. Bring a friend! Registration: 7:30 a.m. Walk begins at 8 a.m. Donation: $10.00
Pacesetters 65+ Call-in: (917) 900-1022 Access Code: 2350971
9:00 AM -Every 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Sundays Nursery (ages 2-6) Childrens Church (ages 7-13) Zoom #: 895-3247-1263
9:00 AM -Every 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Sundays Nursery (ages 2-6) Children's Church (ages 7-13) Zoom #: 895-3247-1263
Bring your mail and personal documents for shredding.